agROBOfood at World FIRA 2021
This week agROBOfood participated virtually in World FIRA 2021, the world’s leading agriculture robotics event. The three-day conference included various key-note speeches, sessions and demonstrations. Exhibitors and attendees from all over the world participated either in France, or online.
agROBOfood’s virtual booth was visited by several professionals and robot enthusiasts ! The discussion revolved around robotics solutions developed by the Innovation Experiments, as well as the growing network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) across Europe.
agROBOfood’s coordinator Wageningen University and Research (WUR) and partner the Agriculture University of Athens (AUA) were also there. WUR presented on-site in Toulouse a live demo of the mini sweet pepper harvesting robot SWEEPER. AUA presented agROBOfood’s work so far in one of the workshops. The presentation concerned “Field Operations for Agricultural Robotics” and related to main field operations in crop production. The full article can be found here .
World FIRA announced that is coming back in 2022, with the first ever FIRA USA event!
Stay tuned in our social channels for the latest developments, as well as news and events of the ag robotics world!