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Copa and Cogeca congress 2016 in Athens (vid)

1' διάβασμα

Copa and Cogeca, representing the voice of over 23 million European farmers and their families, as well as 22,000 agri-cooperatives, held a major Congress of European Farmers in the heart of Greece on the 6thand 7th of October.

The Congress 2016 – entitled “Opportunities for European Agriculture: Green Growth and Dynamic Markets” – focused on how to ensure a sustainable, competitive, innovative and economically viable EU agriculture sector in the future. Many high-level speakers participated in this event, including European Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan, the Slovak Presidency Mrs Gabriela Matecna, European Parliaments’ Agriculture and Rural Development Committee Chairman Mr Siekierski.

A workshop was held on October 5 entitled “Getting value from innovative solutions – what needs to change? High-level sessions were taken place showing what farmers are doing to be ahead in innovation and how to connect them to the value chain.

It was followed by the main plenary session on October 6 and on October 7, Gaia Epicheirein SA hosted the 3rd Panhellenic Congress on the Development of Greek Agriculture entitled “Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): learning from the past in order to prepare the future”.