
Carbon Farming Summit, Thessaloniki, 21-22/10/2022

arbon Farming is a new “green” business model promoted by the European Commission, which is associated with significant challenges but also opportunities for the EU agricultural sector. However, it is still at an early stage of development both in terms of approaches that take place on the field and the relevant EU institutional framework. GAIA […]

13/11/2022 8' read

NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense smart farming system awarded at Green Awards 2020

The innovative gaiasense smart farming system of NEUROPUBLIC was awarded the Silver Award in the Green Technology Concept category of Green Awards 2020. NEUROPUBLIC’s nomination in Pillar 3 “Sustainable Development / Operations / Technology” of the contest was among the ones selected for distinction by the judging committee and was based on the gaiasense smart […]

17/02/2021 2' read

Fotis Chatzipapadopoulos: Gaiasense smart farming system promises massive investment in 2018

Can you tell us in simple terms what smart agriculture is? For each of his crops, a farmer usually applies the same fertiliser regime, the same irrigation and the same plant protection spraying programme each year, with no field-to-field variations. In other words, based on their experience and possibly imitating others, they have come up […]

10/09/2018 7' read