The 8th Panhellenic Congress for the Development of Greek Agriculture, on June 30 and July 1

The 8th edition of the Panhellenic Congress for the Development of Greek Agriculture organized by GAIA EPICHEIREIN, annual meeting point for the primary and wider agri-food sector of Greece, will be held online on June 30 and July 1, 2022.
At a critical moment for Greece and the EU, just a few months before the implementation of the reformed Common Agricultural Policy, which will take effect in January 2023, and in the midst of the energy and food crisis intensified by the war in Ukraine, this year’s Congress aspires to be an important forum for Greek farmers.
Focusing on “The CAP Strategic Plan: Priorities and Prerequisites for the Green and Digital Transition of the Food System“, the 8th Congress will try to provide, through a series of speeches and presentations, answers and solutions to key issues faced by the representatives of the farming world.
With the participation of prominent representatives from the political scene, experts as well as business operators of the agri-food sector from Greece and abroad, the Congress will be the trigger for an in-depth discussion on the strategic objectives and key support tools of the CAP, which our country will be able to utilize from 2023 onwards.
An important innovation of this year’s Panhellenic Congress is the presentation, on June 30, of the Panhellenic Survey on the Agricultural Sector carried out by GAIA EPICHEIREIN in collaboration with the Peace Journalist Laboratory (PJL) of the Journalism and Mass Media Communication Department in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with the support of Kapa Research. The survey focuses on the level of readiness and awareness of farmers in relation to the green and digital transition and it is expected to fuel the upcoming discussions as well as to contribute to the effort to enhance the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the agricultural sector.